leetcode 5. Longest Palindromic Substring (Python)

Leetcode 5. Longest Palindromic Substring (Python)

Related Topic

Dynamic-Programming. Two-Pointers. String.


Given a string s, find the longest palindromic substring in s. You may assume that the maximum length of s is 1000.

Sample I/O

Example 1

Input: "babad"
Output: "bab"
Note: "aba" is also a valid answer.

Example 2

Input: "cbbd"
Output: "bb"

Methodology For Dynamic Programming

To find palindromic substring, we need to know the start index and end index for each substring. The start index and end index will range the substring as outter boundary. If the start element and end element are same, then we check if the substring of [start index + 1:end index] is palindromic. If it is and the current length of substring[start:end+1] is greater than maximum substring then we update the maxmium substring. Note that, single character is palindromic.

Methodology For Two Pointers

Iterate the whole string by each character. For each character, there are two pointers.

  • The left pointer: The index of previous character in terms of current character.
  • The right pointer: The index of next character in terms of current character.


  • If previous character and next character are same. We move the left pointer one index to the left and move the right pointer on index to the right.
  • If the left pointer or right pointer out of index or previous character and next character are not equal, return the string that in range between left and right pointers. If the returned string is longer than the longest string, replace the longest string by returned string.

After done the iteration, return longest string as answer

Code 1 (Dynamic Programming)

def longestPalindrome(self, s: str) -> str:
        longest = '' if not s else s[0]
        max_len = 1
        size = len(s)
        dp=[[False]*size for _ in range(size)]
        for start in range(size-1,-1,-1):
            for end in range(start+1,size):
                if s[start]==s[end]:
                    if end - start == 1 or dp[start+1][end-1]:
                        dp[start][end] = True
                        if max_len < end - start + 1:
                            max_len = end - start + 1
                            longest = s[start: end+ 1]
        return longest

Code 2 (Two Pointers)

def longestPalindrome(self, s: str) -> str:
        longest = ''
        def findLongest(s, l, r):
            while l>=0 and r<len(s) and s[l] == s[r]:
            return s[l+1:r]
        for i in range(len(s)):
            s1 = findLongest(s, i, i)
            if len(s1) > len(longest): longest = s1
            s2 = findLongest(s, i, i+1)
            if len(s2) > len(longest): longest = s2
        return longest


When iterate the whole string, the BigO is O(n) where n is size of the string. Each character will need at most n/2 iteration to find if the string block is palindromic. So bigO is O(n*n/2) which is O(n^2)


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